Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nia walked!

Only God knows how much I've been dreading that I might miss my little girl taking her first step! These past week she's been standing no-hands without holding on to anything and refused to be touched or held while she stands (OK, I am the guilty party who usually tries to grab hold of her as she looks as wobbly as a jelly!) and she not only stands like that, she dances! LOL My baby asserting her independence already!

Cut to the chase, since she has been doing this free hand standing, I've been coaxing her to walk towards me by putting out my hand near enough to grab her if she were to fall but far enough from her so that she would have to take a step to reach it. But nothing happened. For days. Hubz keep telling me all in it's own time, I know that but I'm just being impatient as I do not, for whatever reason, miss this particular milestone in her life. It's like turning 18 and leaving home, it's a big deal (to me)!

So on Monday night, we hung out in front of the tv, as usual (which she does not watch unless there was Pocoyo or music video on) and she casually got up, looked at me, took one step forward and lifted her other foot and fell. Ohhhhh... I tried to hold her up again but she refused, so I just let her be.

Tuesday came, it was her 1st birthday, we took her out for birthday-breakfast, (well, everything is going to be tagged birthday this & birthday that just because it's her birthday, regardless of the fact that we do that every single weekend) :oP and later for birthday-lunch and after that for birthday-party shopping and came home tired and worn out. While hubz was in the shower I wanted to keep Nia occupied by playing ball with her, and OMG was that a workout! She was so funny, everytime she gets hold of the ball before she throws it to me or slap it over, she will scream first, which I too did because it was just so much fun playing ball like a girl would, you know, with screams! LOL I tried to video that but ermm I do not want to burden you all with the sight of me running after the ball with Nia. Well Nia is fun to watch, not me! Unless I get to edit myself out, it aint gonna get posted here, alright?

Anyways, after her shower and all that night she put on a new frock her emamma (my aunt) got her. My aunt dressed her in the back room and walked her over towards us seated in the living room, the moment she came into our view she screamed to announce that she was there in her new clothes! LOL Hubz and I burst out laughing! Then we all gathered around admiring her frock while she babbled away. She then got up and started tilting her head to the left and right (erm, this is ONE of the many dance moves, fyi!) and just smiled and giggled looking at me and her daddy. I went near her, put out my hand as I usually do and coaxed her to come to me. She reached out to grab my left hand and put her right foot forward and then reached for my right hand and put her left foot forward and again with both feet! I should've just let her walk but instead, being the freakily proud mummy at that point of time, I screamed and lifted her up and kissed her all over while she was trying to squeal her way out of my hold and screaming at the same time! LOL Can you imagine it?? It was my proud moment ever!

I was more proud than the time I won arts competition in secondary school, even proud-er than the time a girl came up to me in a dance club and asked if I was a dancer?! (hey, I'm entitled to feel proud because I ain't no dancer, I just dance well, it runs in the family!) LOL. Yes, it's suddenly no longer about me, it's about her now. I guess from now onwards my sense of achievement is permanently tied to what my baby achieves, huh? Is that how you graduate from being a girl without a care in this world to a wife thence to a mum? Wow, whatever it is, it doesn't matter, because that feeling you get in your guts watching your child in awe, like the Mastercard ad goes, is "priceless", I wouldn't trade them for anything.

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