Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Introducing Lulu .. and hansaplast

Everyone, meet Lulu, the latest addition to our family. We got her to replace Pepsi who went missing. Lulu is an Angora mix bunny, around 4 months old and very playful. Her favourite thing to do is to slide across the floor from one end to another. She also is a picky eater, as she will pick out only certain type of grains from her bowl and leave the rest scattered! Clever, huh?

You should see her manoeuvres whenever she bumps into Marbles! She's quite afraid of him as he pounced on her with a snarl the first time they met. Since then Lulu's been carefully avoiding Marbles when she's out playing.

Lulu runs real fast as compared to Marbles who waddles along slowly like a pregnant lady. Nia likes the fun of chasing after Lulu; Lulu likes to come close to Nia, sniff at her before running along, somhow Nia finds this fascinating.

So last night was one of those typical nights when hubz will bring Lulu in while he cleans out the enclosure and replace their food & water. I have asked him to hold on to Lulu so Nia can pat her (as you can see from the pix above). Nia has a tendency to touch their faces (both of Marbles and Lulu), which I get totally freaked out about, as they usually start whenever she does that!

Last night, the moment hubz let Lulu go, Nia turned around and tried to pat her on the face and put out her hand to Lulu's mouth! Then, she got up suddenly, hugged her daddy and wailed! I knew immediately, without even looking, that she's got bitten! I checked her left hand (which she has put out to Lulu less than a minute earlier) there was a half circle bite mark on her thumb and it was just beginning to bleed. I hauled her up to the sink and let the blood run under running water, all the while trying to soothe her crying. Then carried her into our bedroom, plonked her on the bed, took out a little first aid box I've got readied a few months ago in anticipation of cuts & scratches she'd be experiencing the moment she starts walking, (never imagined bunny bites, to be honest!) wiped her little thumb with antiseptic wipes and put on a little hansaplast on the wound.

Another milestone in our lives! Nia's first wound, first hansaplast!

She stopped crying after the hansaplast went on and only then I began to panic a little. What if bunny bites are poisonous? Perhaps not as bad as dog's but don't people usually get tetanus shot if they are bitten? Even by another human? Shall we take her to the doctor's? What if she gets sick? To make me feel better, hubz suggested I call Damansara Specialist while he tries the local paed in our area. It was just past nine, obviously the paed's closed, while I got through to the paediatric ward in DSH. I introduced myself as the mother of DSH Paed, Dr. Soh's patient and described the incident. The nice nurse said I seem to have done whatever necessary and asked that I monitor her temperature for the next half hour or so, if there's a sudden spike in her temperature, I should bring her to see a doctor!

So, there I sat next to my sleeping baby, with a book in my hand and the thermometer next to her, every few minutes feeling her forehead for temperature, while in my heart I kept praying that she wouldn't have any temperature, that she'll be just alright. I cannot go through another round in the hospital, I don't want to. I hate being in the hospital, it always gives me a feeling of vulnerability which I dislike the most, and of course, the smell of antiseptic and sterile equipments! I tend to imagine the worst things when I'm confined to a hospital bed, when my baby's confined to a hospital bed, so I will do anything to not get there in the first place!

She will be alright, there won't be any fever, we won't need to get anywhere near the hospital.

Woke up this morning and took her temperature, it was normal. What a relief! Either way, I told my aunt to monitor her nevertheless, just in case.

Oh, btw, here's her first band-aided thumbawww... so kesian, kan?

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