Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Common Religion" for children

That subject up there piqued my interest as I heard it on the radio on the way to work, so the moment I reached my office, first thing I did was to check Star online.

Wow, this right here is an example that there is a bit of common sense somehow seeping into our "leaders". First off, which moron would convert under age children without express consent from BOTH parents? Now that the issue has got blown out of proportion and national coverage, why isn't anyone going after the moron(s) who converted them? I reckon they must have claimed it as their God-given duty to convert someone else's children just because one of the parent suddenly became a Muslim? I'd really like to know which God they are referring to, though.

Whatever happened to the ulama's. It's sad to know that Muslim ulama' (or learned men) were once upon a time considered the few most knowledgeable, intelligent people in the world, but no longer, particularly, not in Malaysia. Not when they fugg things up like this and bend the rules to suit their needs as & when necessary. It is people like this that makes me embarass to admit that I, too, am a Muslim.

I'm quite certain on one thing though, that the Malay's Islam is very different from Islam per the Qur'an. Just take for example names, yes, names. I'm sure all of us have met Muslim Malays with very foreign (or mat salleh) names such as Deidre, Julian, Suzie, Daniel, you name it! But yet, if you ask your Muslim convert friends, they will all carry a 'Muslim' name. What the hell is a Muslim name? Do they mean 'Arabic' name? Since when being Arab is being Muslim? Do they know that there are MANY Arabs who are not Muslim? So Malay = Muslim = Arab? Someone please help me understand this.

I don't get it. Religion is something personal. It is between me and God. You and God. They and God. If you are a Muslim, you'd know that on Judgement Day, the only other person than yourself who could save you, is the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Why then these religious department officials act like they are the ones who's going to save you? Isn't that kind of thought it self is considered blasphemous already? Oh yes, I forgot, not when it comes from them, after all rules (including the ones from the Holy book) is made to be broken, no?


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