Monday, April 6, 2009

An eventful weekend

Last weekend must've been THE most eventful weekend ever, I must say! Saturday morning we went to Paya Jaras which is way after Sungai Buloh to buy some flowering plants from this place called Yew Garden. We bought several pots of the normal Jasmine, one really funky Jasmine species that had very big flowers almost the size of frangipani, another plant with tiny white flowers which also smell like Jasmine, white bougainvillaes and few other plants. These were add ons to our trip to another nursery the weekend before last, in Sungai Buloh. No wonder everyone goes to Sungai Buloh to look for plants, you would not believe how cheap they are! It's laughable!
Anyways, some of the pix of the flowering plants we bought (pix off their website):
normal jasmine
white bougainvillaesanother type of jasmine that we wanted which was out of stock

this one is called heliconia lady diana also out of stock

I guess I should take photos of the other plants that we bought but on their website and put it up here later. Anyways, our so-called garden ain't that big nor pretty, the only reason why hubz suddenly got into a plant buying spree is because we were getting new family members joining us that weekend. But before that...
Saturday we made two trips to that part of town. Mum called when we were on the way back from Paya Jaras saying there's a "kenduri arwah" (prayers) for my aunt who passed away recently at one of my uncle's place in Bukit Rahman Putra in Sungai Buloh. So we got home, spent a couple of hours, digging and planting everything that we bought earlier and went to my uncle's place. While having dinner, hubz pointed out a stray doggie just outside the house. So we quickly ate and went out looking for it. It was a cute little doggy, so awfully scrawny & dirty and looks like it was probably has not had proper food for a week or so. It has the face of terrier but somehow looked like shih tzu as well, so we assume it's probably a mix between these two breed.
Hubz, the animal lover that he is, got so worked up looking at the poor doggie's condition. I went into my uncle's house, got some chicken bones and a bit of rice in a styrofoam food container and brought it out for the doggie, she ate hungrily, choking a couple of times in her hurry to finish up the food and after that started to tail me around. Oh gosh! What are we gonna do?!

Hubz looked up at me while patting the doggie, with a doggie face, and I immediately said, "You can bring it back tonight but we must send it to SPCA first thing tomorrow morning. The rabbits are arriving tomorrow, we can't have all three of them adjusting to a new environment at the same time!" He was happy enough for the time being and obliged. So we went looking for a big box to put her in and went home. Hubz bathed her, removed some ticks from her ears, (thank God there were only few ticks, they really freak me out) and boiled some chicken with rice and garlic for her. She had some red spot on her body caused by some infection of sort, according to hubs garlic supposed to be antiseptic and has fed it to his previous dogs to treat infection. How cool right, I didn't know that!

Some pix:

bathing session

hubz trimming her clumped hair

nia playing with freshly cleaned happy little doggie

We named her Emma, short for "emaciated". I know, not very nice, but at least Emma sounds better than Kurus! Hahahaha. We put her out at the porch overnight, she was such a good little doggie, did not bark at all from the time we brought her back right up to our bedtime that I actually asked hubz if she could be mute?! I'm not being silly, I have heard about some strange people who get their dog's voice box removed so that they won't make noise! But then finally she barked when my sis came by quite late that night and again a couple more times in the middle of the night, probably because she saw cats. Phew. She's fine, she has her voice box in tact :oP

By the time morning came, hubz was a bit sullen, I know he did not want to send her to SPCA but we've committed to adopting two rabbits already, so there's no way we can have a dog and bunnies too, at least not all of them at the same time. Although I felt for hubz, Emma came at the wrong time, it was just a No-go for the time being. So reluctantly we drove to SPCA and dropped Emma off.

Funny thing is, the lady at the shelter who was manning the office on that Sunday morning had this look on her face that told us what she was thinking - that she did not believe Emma was a rescued stray. Well, if it was upto hubz, we won't even be at SPCA in the first place! Why would we lie about giving up a doggie? Poor poor hubz.. tak ada rezeki sayang, maybe next time.

From SPCA we made a quick stop at Ampang Puteri to see my gf's baby Syasya, sat down and chat with her for a bit and dashed home to pick up our new addition to the family two bunnies named Marbles & Pepsi.

We adopted them from a couple of really lovely people, Aunty Kamala and her hubz, Dr. Mohan. They've been having bunnies around since forever but had to give away a couple of them as they do not get along with their other rabbit, Kutti. We met up with them once to check the bunnies out, then they came by our place to check our small little garden out and agreed to let us have them as pre-birthday pressie for Nia.

We collected pepsi, a a feisty female, that they have recently rescued, while they drove Marbles, a neutered male, to our place. We got home, settled them in while it was pouring outside. They came ready with food & water bowls, some towels that the bunnies have lied in ( to have the familiar smell around until they get used to the new environment) and some food and hay. What a wonderful pair of people! Soon as the bunnies old 'parents' left, we went off to get some bunny stuff. We got back with a dry bunny bath which hubz used to clean them up, brush their hair, set up the enclosure, ready their food & water and let them roam about the house.

While hubz was engrossed with the bunnies, I decide to de-clutter our bedroom by moving Nia's stuff out to her own room (which isn't ready yet, by the way) just to have a bit more space in our room! At the end of it all I was completely drained and my arms were numb (from carrying Nia around not from the de-cluttering).

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend! The bunnies are getting used to us, Nia's in awe of them, I'm also trying to get used to them bunnies while hubz is doing most of the bunny chores.. hehe.. Oh, some pix of the bunnies from last night:

Pepsi, sitting pretty next to the coconut tree

Marbles, looking gallant ..

I never knew how it feels like to have pets.. it's truly a wonderful feeling! All this thanks to Aunty Kamala and Dr. Mohan for their kindness..

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