Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Oh, why me God?" continued..

It's true the saying, "you only need to date one bastard in your life" because after that first time, you can tell another one from miles away. But of course, the pain you have to go through, though at that point in time you will NOT be able to see the silver lining in the clouds, once you are out of it, you will be grateful for that experience.

From the experiences I've had, I know these for sure:

  1. I will never get into a relationship with the intention to change the other person.
  2. My partner will not be able to fulfill my needs, if I did not FIRST communicate those needs. Unless of course, he is Matt Parkman, then all I need to do is think the thought. Heh.
  3. I cannot have EVERYTHING my way. I have to give some in order to take some otherwise I should just have a relationship with myself!
  4. No one's perfect. He is bound to make mistakes, so will I, I just need to be a little less judgemental and a lot more forgiving.

Having said all that, I have actually stopped whining. I consider myself utterly blessed as I have found the perfect person or it's more like we have found each other. Though it took a couple of years before we decided to get married, I've never doubted my decision. I do not think I will ever live to regret it. I will be lying if I say it's paradise everyday because we all have our peeves, but those are little things without which I guess, it will be pretty boring. So those little spats are necessary to keep the fire burning, you know what I mean?

I know, I know, some say "don't speak too soon", but you know what? To hell with the pessimist! I will say it because I know it in my bones that this man is going to be with me for life, for as long as God wills it.

And another thing, I've not once whined "why me God?". Life is bliss.

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