Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Aftermath

So, the storm has hit on 24th of June at approximately 9.30am at DSH, thus delivering into our hands (straight from my cut-open tummy) a bouncy baby girl. Simultaneously confirming to the audience, that 1. her lungs are working fine and 2. she's gonna be our very own Mariah, our gorgeous little Ynez Sophia were handed over to us.

Staying true to her Mariah nature, she still continues to exercise her vocal chords, now more than ever, as she approaches the twenty-one week old mark. Aren't babies amazing? The one thing I'm grateful for with both of them is that they slept like babies (erm, like babies SHOULD) through the night from the second month on. Just that this little one tends to wake at least twice in the night for feed, unlike Nia who never did. .

So, I've been home since the storm hit, for the first month had mum staying with us preparing all the delish pantang food, together with my aunt who was looking after Nia since November 2008. Then my mum went back home and aunt and I managed the two until she decided that two is more than she can handle when I go back to work. With her decision to leave, we made a critical decision for me to stay home fulltime.

Boy, am I having fun or am I having fun? C'mon, guess! :P

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