Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh I've been LAAZYYY

To update here that is. I wanted to post some recipes up in 'ere, but never managed to find the time to do that! I made beef kebab last week and even took a photo of it to put up and then something got into me and made me delete the photo! :oP Not that the kebab was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or anything. Just that I was so darn proud of myself for making it from scrath. Yea, s-c-r-a-t-c-h. I marinated the beef and left it in the fridge for a couple of days, then I baked it, then choped it up into tiny bits, then I cooked teh onion and tomatoes and put the beef in with tomato ketchup and a bit of chili sauce. It turned out amazing! Weird, but so yummy! Hmmm. I also made chocolate chips cookie dough brownie that everyone loved, that recipe was from Betty Crocker's website, I made it two weekend in a row! Not bad huh?

Anyways, I finally got that camera I was eyeing. Yay! There will be tons of pics from now on, just watch out! We finally got DBKL approval to utilise space in Taman Rimba Kiara for Nia's 1st birthday party. From now on my weekends are going to be crazy making preparation for THE day. I love party planning but it is also very time consuming. Did I mention we are having Pocoyo theme? I got to go speak to our cake lady to see if she can custom-make Pocoyo and firends from fondant as cake toppers, that would mean I'd have to got over to her house on a Monday coz she does not accept any 'cake customers' on any other days to view or discuss cake. I know, but she does make VERY yummy butter cake that's the only reason why we keep going back to her.

Nia on the other hand is getting cuter & cuter, if I may say so myself :oP She's been actively trying to walk all over our little house and her dance moves are getting pretty wicked. I wish I could post a video here, maybe later. She is also refusing to drink her formula as she rather get it straight from me! I can feel that my milk's drying up as it gets more and more painful within 2 minutes after she starts to suckle and as I have no intention to continue breastfeeding her beyond the age of 1, I dont really want to continue with the Milkmaid tea. So went out on Monday and bought a different brand of formula (Frisolac from Dutch Lady) but she does not like it too. Right now she's on Enfapro A+ which she has been on since a few months ago, as I only breastfeed her when I'm home otherwise she'll be on formula. I'm not sure if this is s phase where babies tend to drop their weight every few months as they are growing because I do know that during the phase they will refuse milk and eat less which results in the drop in weight. I just don't want her to grow up like me, not wanting to drink milk the moment I turned 1, and I doubt my parents did anything about it, they just let me be. I do want Nia growing up drinking lots of milk, thank God hubz drink milk otherwise I do not know how I will encourage her to drink milk when she gets to the questioning age! I shall be closely monitoring her eating pattern the next couple of weeks, if there is no improvement perhaps it's time to see her paed.

Scrap Credit to

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