Sunday, March 22, 2009

Throat Infection

Nia just recovered from a bout of throat infection. She has been refusing to eat since last Wednesday, my aunt took her temperature a couple of times and it seemed normal. When I go home she gets attached to me like a leech and refused to go to anyone else, not even her Daddy. According to my aunt she gulped down a bowl of soup Thursday morning but after that refused to eat anything else. We were all just wondering what was wrong because other than these couple of things, she was her usual self, singing & dancing and running around like she always do. Thursday night however, I was cradling her when I felt her body was warmer than usual, so I took her temperature and it was 38.8°, I was shocked and took it a couple more times and they still read 38.7° then 38. 8°, we hauled her up and took her to the nearest open clinic and begged the girl at the counter to let us see the doctor first as we were so worried that, God forbid, she might get another bout of fits.

Thank God there was none of that this time. Doctor diagnosed her with throat infection which explains why she has been refusing food, it wasn't that she didn't want any, she just had difficulty swallowing them, my poor baby. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics for her throat and suppository for her fever, it was a stronger dosage one called Voltrane (if I'm not mistaken), she inserted the first dosage of Voltrane in the clinic, but after that we only gave Nia PCM (Paracetamol) which is less strong and kept giving her this everytime her temperature rises. We started tepid sponging her till she fell asleep on Thursday night and hubz continued that on Friday while I was at work, as he took the day off because I couldn't. She woke up restless a couple of times at night wanting feed. Last we gave her PCM was Saturday morning about 2.30am.

That Saturday morning was a busy day for us as we had breakfast date with my gf Shaz, near our place at 8ish and we had to pick up hubz grandmother from the train station about 9.30am. Before we left we checked her temperature she seemed to be OK at 37.4° so decided not to give her anymore of the PCM as I wanted to see if her fever will return without continuous meds. As precaution, on the way to the TTDI market, we called up her Paed in D'sara Specialist only to find out that they were closed on that day! Thankfully, though, by evening she seemed to have recovered fully with temperature returning to normal (below 37°) but still has been refusing to eat properly so both hubz and I tried to make her different things on Saturday and Sunday to encourage her to eat.

The whole of yesterday I was scrutinising my poor baby for any signs of rashes or anything unusual as aparently most sicknesses in young children start from simple cold, flu and fever. Her Paed mentioned Roseola Infantum (also known as fake measles) to us before, which usually starts with high fever and on the 3rd day when the fever breaks the child will have rashes breakout on the trunk and head. This can happen to babies between 6 and 24 months old, but most children will get this at an earlier age. Although the rash itself are supposedly harmless and last for only 12 -14 hours, the thought of it makes my heart palpitate! And we're only talking about Roseola, I can not imagine what I'll do when I have to deal with chicken pox etcetera! *Sigh*

Anyways, all's well now, just that my aunt still complains that Nia is refusing to eat anything, if this continues I probably would just take her to see a Paed, regardless and see what the pro has to say.

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