Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gym, finally!

I finally enrolled myself at a gym near workplace! It finally happened after putting it off for FAR too long. I'm also very glad that I'm not enrolled in one of those posers/wannabes gym like the likes of FF, which I hated wholeheartedly. The last time I was in a gym, it was the BLOODY FF!! The ones in D'sara Heights & PJ (near Asia Jaya). Yes, after contemplating for so long (by then I've been out of gym or anything close to physical exercise for about a year) I decided to take up the company's corporate rate offer at FF, which initially I thought was a good deal and realised I was totally ripped off after seeing their rack rates advertised on some flyers! Fuggers gave me a "very attractive corporate rate of RM165 ONLY" which I ended up paying for a good 10 months and only visited the fac, like, 5 times!

I also hate all those places that offers "0% interest scheme" which requires you to commit to autodebit through credit card, it makes it so difficult to cancel membership as well. So this time around, I took all these little bits into consideration when I went gym hunting. Lucky me I found this one near my workplace which is run by a friend of hubz' godmother (not that it made any diff in $$) but at least I know I won't be going in to watch a showdown between Biatch 1 and Biatch 2 or Queen 1 and Queen 2, if you know what I mean! This is a serious gym. For serious people, like me! Hahahaha

Going to a new gym always gives me a strange feeling, a bit scary at the same time exciting, kinda like going to a new school! I've been to a few gyms around town since 1999, the first ever was our "Free" gym at Duta Vista! Oh, I LOVED that place. One of our friends parents had this timeshare vacation membership with a particular group that includes free use of gym at Duta Vista. 3 of us will drive from downtown KL after work to the gym at least 2-3 times weekly. I must give props to the PT there at the time, this old buff dude, whom, according to my friends, is half German (or something like that) and half Punjabi! Yea, dig that! First time we went in, he took our body weights/heights etc., and asked me what's my concern was, since I was so young (born '75, do the maths!) and looked fit (externally). I told him I don't like how my butt looked since I have completely stopped running after I started to work. He said OK, just give him 3 months and I MUST be willing to listen to him, sounded good to me. But you know what, before the 3 months were up, I was ALREADY happy with how my butt looked! I know there were times I cussed and swore at him (under my breath of course) for asking me to do all those workouts that made me crawl home afterwards, but I was so glad I did them when I saw the results! I wonder whatever happened to him?! I think we lasted almost a year there, although some days especially when he's not around we won't do any weights according to our plans, we will instead play squash, hit the shower and hit a chinese restaurant for fried rice! Talk about being healthy! So that was gym 1.

Gym 2 was Gold's at Yow Chuan Plaza. This was sometimes in 2001 which lasted slightly over a year or perhaps a bit more, can't recall. This was OK. A bit commercial. Some wannabes. PTs were more interested in wooing the opposite or same sex for personal reasons than the rightful reasons. But if you know what you are doing and mind your own biz, no one bothers you and you will get a good workout, which to me, is more important. This is the first gym I went to that had tv screens everywhere playing MTV music videos, an extensive range of group classes (which I don't enjoy at all) and best of all, lends you t-shirt, shorts, socks and trainers (well, just a basic fung keong looking shoes) for you to work out in so that you CAN NOT make excuse to not show up to gym! How cool is that??? Although I do not know of anyone who would wear any of them! Hahaaha

Gym 3 was the BEST! It's one of those small scale ones (like the one I just enrolled in), located in PJ next to Crystal Crown hotel. I think they are still in business. I went to this gym with only 1 intention. I needed equipment and a place to do my BFL program, and no matter what happens I am going to complete my 3 months. Actually I stayed on here for about 5 months coz the first two months I did not do much as I was trying to get the momentum going. I hated one of the instructor here who is the sis-in law of the owner cum PT of the joint, I doubt the SiL is a qualified trainer, I'm sure she got the job because she is the SiL, nothing else. This woman conducts a few cardio classes, one of which I participated in a couple of times and then I gave up because everytime I see her jumping up & down I felt nauseous. You would too if you stand directly behind her and you can see how the cellulite molecules on her thighs dances to the music that plays in the background! Talk about motivation! She was also the same person who told me that I was unfit to do the BFL program, AFTER I explained to her what it was ALL about. I mean, c'mon, she did not know who Bill Philips was, it was her first time hearing about BFL, before that she was trying so hard to sell her SiL as PT to me which I politely declined several times, then her last ammo was putting me down by saying I was unfit to do BFL. Yes, ain't she a major Biatch?! You think I was gonna let this person with superiority complex pull me down? MISTAKE. I lost 13.6 kg in 3 months on BFL! Huh! Then I quit from there and went to the gym at a friend's apt in town.

Yea, so there. My gym experiences since 1999. Now I'm looking forward to this new joint!!! 2009, I'm on track!

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