Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Resolutions and similar bollocks ;o)

Yes! It's a brand new year. Apparently it'll will be quite a tough year for most of us, according to economists, of course. If you are zodiac-maniac, it may also be quite tough especially if you are a Tiger, like me! I checked out many a websites on chinese zodiac and almost all of them claim that 2009 the year of the Bull/Ox/Cow *whatever* is not going to be a good year for me! *GASP* What will I do, Oh! Just WHAT WILL I do? Well, here's a summary of what I'm going to do, whether or not it's a good year for me, I think I'll decide on that! I've broken it down to long term and short one (and by long term I mean within the next 11 months), so here are the long term ones:
  1. Get my fat ass to gym and start on another hardcore BFL challenge, latest by Feb 09.
  2. Lose 20KG by August 09.
  3. Wean Nia off me latest by April, preferably by the time she turns 1.
  4. Sell off the two properties I own pronto, and get the one my hubz is in love with. Target Dec 09.
  5. Get a bloody driver's licence - also by Dec 09! hehe- yea the longer it takes the better- can you blame me if I PREFER to be driven than to drive myself?!!
  6. Back to school by mid 2009, this has been put off for WAY too long.
  7. Bake more often - I used to be such a good "domesticated" wife, I bake every week for my sweet toothed hubz but not anymore, and I know I shouldn't use Nia as an excuse for not doing that.

Short term:

  1. Learn up how to make marzipan/fondant cake deco NOW
  2. Get a new hair colour.. this mahogany brown I have now is SO last year! (pun intended)
  3. Still toying with the idea to see a derm, perhaps go to my old one or look for a new one.. havent decided, let's see how it goes.
  4. Bake a cake for every family member/close friend's birthday! That means I will have to bake 6 cakes in Jan alone! Yea, we'll see if it's another hangat2 taik ayam plan.

Oh well, these are all I have at the top of my head now, will be adding more as I move along the year. Notice I didn't put anything relating to work? Well, that's on purpose. I want to move away from focusing too much on my career as I have done all my working life and not on what really matters, like personal time with hubz, my nia, my gfs, my folks and most importantly, personal time for myself to do what pleases me without having to think of pleasing others.

I want to start with travel plans for myself. This year we are pretty much set as one of my so-called BFF is getting married in August in Canada, so that's a WAJIB travel plan. But I want a beach vacation with hubz and at the same time I'm not "beach-ready" yet. I don't want to go to the beach looking like this! Dahlah I don't swim, so most times I just lay on the beach with a book and a drink. If I were to do that looking like this people might mistake me for a dugong and throw me back to the sea or worst, barbeque me! Since I'm giving myself until August to shed 20KG, if I'm able to achieve that, I will reward myself with a trip to Bon Ton Resort, Langkawi in Nov/Dec period. Haha this is what I call a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone trip. Rest, relax & shop! The last time hubz was in Langkawi he kept annoying me by calling me everytime he was in a shopping mall and telling me how cheap the pots & pans were, so it is HIS wish that we should get to Langkawi to shop for pots & pans! So, hubz gets his pots & pans shopping wish, I get my Bon Ton wish, okay aper?! Ok now, back to work.

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