Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My obsession with names

I've been meaning to do this for a long long time, finally now I have the opportunity to openly talk about my obsession with names (people's names) since forever! Unique, uncommon names does something to me inside. It just make someone all the more interesting even if they did not look so interesting in the first place, won't you agree? I guess that's why I decided to crop my name when I was in Form 1 so that it would sound interesting and gives a sense of mystery when someone sees my name, ah well, until they see my full name, that is! So since then I've sort of been collecting all the names that I liked to perhaps use one day on my babies!! He he But, no, I did not get Nia's name off that book though. Funnily, those names that were so unique and uncommon in those days are no longer uncommon now hence I had to search all over again before we had Nia, this time made much much easier thanks to the Gods of the cyberspace!! To tell the truth, we already had 3 names from way before we got married, for our future 3 children, 1 girl and 2 boys. Talk about ambition! There were:
  1. Nia Zahra
  2. Ian Rumil
  3. Dean Arahael or Dean Rahael
I decided against the name Zahra because when we mentioned the name to one of my BFF, she said she wanted to name her daughter, when she has one, Safia Zahra or something like that (I'm not quite sure about the first name!), so I ditched it. I do not want my babies and my friends' babies to have the same names! Urghh. What am I going to tell her when one day she turns around and asks me, "Mum, why is my name and Auntie so and so's daughter's name the same?" What am I supposed to say, "Err, because we're BFF so we thought it'll be cute for our babies to have same names"? Besides, I try to stay away from names that reflect too much of a certain race/religion. Zahra is so Arab and in this country, well, you-know-it. Although we are not pregnant with a boy yet, I have already ditched the name Ian, because OMG there are WAY too many Ians running around in here right now! No Arahael either, it's way too Tolkien. But am sticking to Rumil. It sounds just so lovely, all I need now is a unique and interesting first name to complement it, then I'm ready to have a boy!! (Yea, as if!)
Hmmm, it just occurred to me, I might've been so taken by hubz because of his sexy name! I mean, how many Jayross do you know? Me, none. So are most of my friends. We've never heard of a Jayross until we met him. And for the records, unlike some people, he did not pick his own name! His mother named him that when he was born, inspired by the tv show, Dallas! LOL. He hates it when I mention this fact to everyone, but I do that because I think it's SO cute of his mum! It's the same reason why I insisted that he CAN NOT change his name when he was converting, he should be entitled to keep his name no matter what religion he is, and yes, we managed to do just that.

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