Monday, July 13, 2009

Mama's a fulltimer now..

I've been lazy these past couple of weeks. Been at home with Nia all day long and super occupied, if you have a toddler, or had one before, I'm sure you know what I mean! So, yes, I've been fulltime mummy these past couple of weeks, since my job was made redundant, and am hoping that will come to an end soon, I mean, the fulltime mummy bit. I really rather be a working mummy who comes back to an excited, loving, manja little girl than staying at home with her 24/7 that I can't even go to bathroom without her in tow! Grrr..

Yes, obviously I've been cooking alot too but have just been too busy to post anything up. The only time I could go online is when Nia's napping, like now. So time's pretty limited and I use it wisely. So to speak. Huh. Been trying to finish reading 'The Queen and I' by Sue Townsend. Hillarious. Can't put it down. But then when Nia's up, can't even pick it up! So, you know, I really got to prioritise, update recipe, or read.. at the end, the latter always win.

Anyways, last weekend, on Friday night, we sent Nia to her grandparents' place, to get her use to staying over there without us, of course. After which hubz and I had a nice dinner in PJ, came home and watched DVD and he was reading till 5am, thinking that he could sleep in till about 10am. But what do you know, at 8am my father called saying Nia hasn't slept the whole night, refusing food & milk and couldn't stop crying. So the two of us rushed off to my folks' place. She was so excited the moment she saw me, rushed to me and kept pointing at my chest. Which means,"milk, mummy, now!"

After the milk session, she was her usual self again, running and dancing, climbing the stairs up & down, and finally ate something. Sigh. How are we going to leave her behind for 10 whole days while we are away?! I'm so worried now. And confused. Ma says maybe I should wean her off breastmilk then it won' t be so difficult on her. But, would that really make a difference? I don't know. I really don't know what I should do. I am not ready to wean her off just yet. I enjoy our private moments of lying together for a feed and playing all the silly games that just mummy and Nia gets to play. Sigh.

Anyways, I'm still going to send her to my folks' this weekend and next and next until she gets used to it. I know we should have done this earlier but then, hey, we enjoy having her around with us on our weekends, it would be so dull without the pitter-pattering of her tiny feet all around the house, excaliming "heyy" when she bumps into you as if she's surprised to see you there, and all the rest of her antics. But still, she needs to get used to staying over my folks otherwise our Canada trip's aint gonna happen, eh?!

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